Friday, March 29, 2024

Presearch Airdrop | Claim your initial 75 $PRE tokens (~$4)

Presearch Airdrop | Claim your initial 75 $PRE tokens (~$4)

If you’re an internet user, you may not realize that when you actively search or passively view ads, you can’t earn money; it goes into the pockets of the tech giants’ owners. This has been the case up until now.

What you can change is how you use the internet. If you’re someone who frequently uses popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube on your computer, we recommend using Slice to earn money when you inadvertently view displayed ads. You can learn more about it here.

But today we’re talking about another habit: the habit of searching the internet. When you use search engines, you don’t earn money. However, everything has changed with the advent of Now, when you search, you get paid in PRE tokens, which can be traded on exchanges like Kucoin. It’s very easy to do. You can learn more by exploring further here!

Presearch, the search engine focused on privacy and decentralization, is launching a big Loyalty Airdrop and an improved Referral Program. This offers a great chance for both current and new users to earn significant rewards in $PRE tokens. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Don’t miss out on your money (both cash and cryptocurrency)! Check it all in one place at this link now — everything you need, conveniently consolidated !!!

About Presearch


Presearch is transforming online search with its disruptive blockchain-based engine, prioritizing user privacy and data control. Through $PRE token rewards, users are empowered and involved in a shared ownership model, embodying the ethos of “We The People” unlike mainstream search engines.

At the core of this innovation are Presearch Nodes, representing global collaboration where users contribute computing resources and earn $PRE tokens for promoting a privacy-focused internet experience.

With Keyword Staking Ads, advertisers can stake $PRE tokens on specific keywords to link their ads, attracting high-quality search traffic. is also suitable for affiliate marketers or entrepreneurs in need of advertising. By staking PRE tokens, your ads can reach over 1.3 million users + 10 million monthly visits, helping you compete better in the industry.

How to join the Presearch Airdrop?


You can register for Presearch

If you use a computer, you can install the Presearch extension, then log in with your account, use Presearch as a search engine to earn PRE tokens.

  • Make Presearch your default Search Engine to start earning $PRE.
  • Increase your earnings by staking PRE tokens in your PRE Wallet.
  • The more you stake, the more you can earn through searching.
  • For even bigger rewards, consider setting up a Presearch Node.
  • Share your referral link with friends, and you both get 50 $PRE.
  • Make sure you and your referrals stay active for at least 30 days.
The PRE token is traded on the following markets: Markets:
  • Uniswap, HitBTC, CoinSto, KuCoin



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